Dr. Thoreau's MADBLOG

Stream of Hyperlinks (first trial run)

Entry #8: 31 January, 2016

Rabbit still

It might be possible that the world itself is
without meaning.

—Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway

Hello world! For this installment of the MadBlog, we're trying a new experiment, the first trial run of a feature I'll call "Stream of Hyperlinks." That title, like the endeavor itself, is on trial here and may change. But the idea is to allow readers to take a tumble down the rabbit hole called the Internet. It sounds like a big deal, but it is not. It is simply a retracing of some steps taken during a recent distracted web browsing session. If you're tired of your own well worn paths and threads, this is a stream (and sort of essay) you can follow (and sort of read), if you will:

It all started on the social network, with this announcement for an upcoming event:

Facebook post LA Film Forum

Run Wrake? Run Wrake...collage animator...should check this out...